Learn More about CaptainSparklez

Why did you choose MCProHosting?

MCPH has been serving the Minecraft community for a very long time now, and having heard positive things about them from the beginning, they seemed like a good choice for my first hosting partner.

What do you love most about Minecraft?

I enjoy the endless customization and modding opportunities that Minecraft provides to its players. I believe that the community creativity is what has caused the game to have such staying power.

What's your favorite food?

Pepperoni pizza... or also a really specific piece of sushi served by a local restaurant of mine. And also a specific pork belly dish served by another local restaurant. I'm indecisive.

Who is your favorite game character?

Sonic has a special place in my heart.

Modded gameplay, or do you prefer vanilla?

Modded; it provides so many new ways to play.

Aside from YouTube, what's another interest or hobby you like to get into?

I enjoy driving cars, although that often ends up on YouTube. To be fair, pretty much anything I enjoy finds its way onto one of my channels.


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